Mr. Jason Owen created a black plague simulation for our World History classes. Students could see how the infection spread and the effects of the disease. #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
Black Plague
The TCHS Counseling Department recently hosted college admissions representatives from Georgia College and State University, the University of Georgia, and Georgia Tech! College visits at TCHS provide a great opportunity for students to learn about each college and the admissions process.#BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
College Visit
College Visit
Congratulations to our 2023 Homecoming Court nominees! Our queen will be crowned this Friday night at Brodie Field and our king will be crowned Saturday at the HOCO dance! #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Homecoming court
Students in Ms. Adamson's American Literature class completed a cross-curricular lesson in which they had to combine ELA and math skills. After reading Act 1 of The Crucible, students completed a blame chart, placing blame on characters for causing the hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts. After documenting their evidence, students had to create a pie chart in which they calculated percentages of blame for the various characters. #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
The Crucible Activity
The Crucible Activity
The Crucible Activity
The Crucible Activity
Please take a moment to review our Homecoming Week information. #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Homecoming 2023
Shout out to everyone that helped make the 2nd Annual Legends Game a success! #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
2023 Legends Game
UGA Tifton will be hosting its annual ShowCAES event on September 28th at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
ShowCAES event
ShowCAES event
Join TCHS in a moment of silence as we remember this day in our nation's history.
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
9-11 remembrance
Weekly T for parents; have an awesome week! #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Weekly T for Parents
Hair is the most common trace evidence found at crime scenes. Students in Forensics studied human and animal hair characteristics under a microscope. They learned how these characteristics help in crime investigations. #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Hair Lab
Hair Lab
Hair Lab
Hair Lab
Hair Lab
Hair is the most common trace evidence found at crime scenes. Students in Forensics studied human and animal hair characteristics under a microscope. They learned how these characteristics help in crime investigations. #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Lab Hair
Congratulations to our August Students of the Month! #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
August Student of the Month
Weekly T for parents; have an awesome week! #BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
Weekly T for Parents
Remember that today, September 5th, is a Teacher Work Day and a Student Holiday. We look forward to seeing students back tomorrow. #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Teacher Work Day
Want to keep up with what is happening in our schools? Want the latest news and event information ? Download our Tift County Schools app today. Make sure you enable notifications! #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Tift County Schools App
According to EMA and power companies, power has been restored to the majority of the residents of Tift County. All Tift County schools will resume normal operations on Friday, September 1st. Excuses for students who are unable to attend due to storm damage will be evaluated on a case by case basis. #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Friday Update
We remain in contact with the EMA and power companies to monitor progress on getting power restored throughout the county. We will be making a decision regarding school tomorrow within a few hours and will post an update as soon as possible. #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Mr. Blankenship's Sports in United States Society classes participated in a Cornhole tournament for their Leisure Sports unit. Students used the media center to beat the heat and engage in friendly competition! They even had special visitors stop by to participate. # BTTY #4theT
over 1 year ago, Lacy Cargle
After consulting with our EMA, Georgia Power and Colquitt EMC, there are approximately 17,000 customers in Tift County without power at this time, this includes one of our campuses. Due to these circumstances, school will be canceled on Thursday, August 31st. We encourage everyone to use good judgment and remain safe when driving. Please keep the counties south of us in your thoughts as they saw a greater impact from the storm than we did. We will continue to assess the situation and will notify everyone of a decision regarding school on Friday, September 1st as soon as possible. #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Update Thursday, Aug 31st
We are assessing the widespread power outages in Tift County and will notify everyone as soon as possible regarding school tomorrow, August 31st. Thank you for your patience. #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin