
Media Center Hours:  7:45 AM - 3:30 PM

Circulation Policies:

  • Students are entered into the automated circulation system using the barcode on their ID card. Students should check out materials for themselves only. Any item checked out to the student is the student's responsibility.

  • Most books are checked out for two weeks. Reference books, vertical file materials, and back issues of magazines may be checked out for overnight use only.

  • Students are allowed to have up to two books at a time and may put books on hold or reserve.  

  • All returned items should be placed in the book return or left in the outside book drop after hours. Books to be returned should not be left lying on the circulation desk.

  • All borrowers are responsible for lost and damaged materials.

  • Overdue and fine notices are sent to students approximately every two weeks through their Blue Devil block teacher.

  • Students may not be allowed check out materials if they have an overdue book or a fine on their record.

  • Students are not allowed to check out audio-visual materials and equipment. Student use of these items may be arranged by a teacher.

  • Students will be charged an overdue fine for books that are more than 4 days overdue. The fine is $.25 per day.

  • Students will be charged an overdue fine of $5.00 per day for loaner Chromebooks that are not returned before 1st block the next day.

  • If books are lost or damaged beyond repair, the amount of the book will be charged for replacement.

Students in the Media Center:

  • Students may come to the media center before school, during lunch and after school.

  • During the school day, students should have a media center pass signed by their classroom teacher.

  • When a class is using the media center for research during 3rd block, the media center will be closed to lunch traffic.  Students coming for book renewal, AR testing, or individually from another class will still be allowed to use the media center.

  • Use a quiet voice when in the media center so you will not disturb others.

  • Remember, all school rules apply when you are in the media center.

  • No food or drink allowed in the media center.

  • Students should remain seated while in the media center. 

  • Always log-off the computer when you are finished using it. Do not leave your files open. Others will have access to all of your information.

  • All computers are for school work ONLY. No chatting, email, games, or westies that are not directly related to your school work.

Internet Policies:

  • All students have access to computer/Internet resources unless a parent or guardian objects, in writing, to the use of these.

  • All students agree to the Computer Usage Agreement and can review the policy by clicking here.  

  • Internet use is limited to educational purposes only. Students are not allowed to chat, email, order, or play games on media center computers.

  • Students may have their computer privileges restricted or removed if these policies are not followed.


  • Copy machines/printers are available to students for printing school-related assignments in the media center.