Blue Devil Football Season Tickets (reserved seat and general admission) and All Sports Passes (available for adults and students) go on sale July 5th at TCHS.
Visit our website at https://athletics.tiftschools.com/o/athletics/page/ticket-sales for details. #4theT

All Tift County Schools offices and programs will be closed Monday, June 28th - Friday, July 2nd and will reopen on Monday, July 5th. Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July! #4theT

PLEASE SHARE: Summer meal sites will be open and buses will run TOMORROW to make up for having to cancel today AND they will run again on Thursday for meal bags for next week. There will be NO MEAL PICKUP next week (June 29th). #4theT

Due to the inclement weather, the summer feeding program will not run today. We apologize for any inconvenience.

There will be 2 Meal Pickup Days this week - Tuesday & Thursday. There will be NO PICKUP NEXT WEEK, as all schools and offices will be closed. #4theT