Research & Citation Help
MLA 7th Ed. Citation
MLA Citation Guide (Andy Spinks) - a simple guide to MLA citation
MLA Formatting Overview Video (Wheeler Co Library) - A brief video overview of headings, Microsoft Word settings, and formatting of works cited entries and in-text citations.
Thanks to Andy Spinks and the media specialist at Wheeler Co Library for providing very useful links and information.
Student Volunteer Hours Information
1. To qualify for the Georgia Student Service Award, an average of 50 service hours per year (9-12) or 200 hours by graduation is required. Graduating seniors who reach the milestone will receive a certificate and a red, white, and blue service cord to be worn at graduation.
2. Graduating seniors must submit log sheets to Mrs. Christi Fletcher in room 310 or at before March 2025.
3. Log sheets can be found in Mrs. Fletcher’s room, Guidance Office, or at on the Student’s Page.
4. Submitting the log sheet to the Georgia Commission for Service and Volunteerism does not mean that the hours indicated on it will automatically be applied to the Graduation Cord of Excellence Program. All volunteer hours are subject to verification; signatures and phone number is required for vertification. Please note: Court-ordered service does not count toward volunteer service hours.
5. If service hours indicated on this sheet are with or for an organization not sponsored by the school, they must be verified by the sponsoring agency and the school coordinator (Christi Fletcher).
6. Students should make copy of this form before it is submitted and keep that copy for their records.